Circle Labs & Office in Keltenring 1-3 in 82041 Oberhaching just south of Munich, offers a total of approximately 4,500 sqm of gross floor area, including around 1,500 sqm of ready-to-use laboratory space. The property stands out due to its exceptional technical equipment and flexibility of use. It is currently undergoing a sustainability certification process under BREEAM DE In-Use, which will also demonstrate compliance with current ESG criteria.
Air conditioning
Fiber-optic internet connection
ESG certification (in progress)
High-voltage power connection
Emergency power supply
District heating system
Passenger and freight elevators
Loading ramp
Water softening system
Alarm system
Storage and production spaces with ceiling heights up to 3.72m
33 underground parking spaces
39 outdoor parking spaces
The "ready-to-use" laboratory spaces are fully equipped, including high-quality laboratory furniture, and in addition to the above features, they also include:
High-quality ventilation system
Fume hoods
Gas lines through four separate piping systems
Ultrapure water systems
Diesel and battery emergency power supply
Laboratory-compliant alarm and fire detection system, including gas sensors
High-quality LAN infrastructure
S1 and S2 compliance